Foreign funny words in english
Foreign funny words in english

While travelling in the USA, we were very careful not to use the word "negerai" (= "not good") because it sounds too much like the n-word.īut the English speakers loved to hear the Lithuanian word "pusė" (="half" "side"), always asking "What's the word that sounds like "pussy" again?"

foreign funny words in english

Apparently, "rutto" in Italian means "to vomit" "burp". Once I witnessed some Italians making fun of a Lithuanian girl named Rūta. I'll give some examples from my experience. Yes, it's not a very serious question but sometimes while abroad it helps to know certain words that might trigger / insult others or if something said in your language would sound funny or indecent to natives. List of European national and region subreddits Use the search bar and refrain from asking questions that have already been asked. To keep questions from becoming too repetitive, questions that have been asked during the last two weeks are not allowed. No similar questions that have been asked in the last two weeks. You are obviously still allowed to express an opinion as an answer. This includes overdone topics, yes/no-questions, joke questions, and questions which can be easily answered using Google or by visiting the sites linked in the sidebar.ĭon’t push an agenda with your questions: stay neutral. Questions that are unsuitable (legal advice, relocation, study advice, work advice, medical advice, general travel advice.) will be removed. Use the text box to clarify the question further if needed. They must be a question and have the question in the title, ending with a question mark. Submissions must be relevant to the subreddit. Submissions must be a question with a clear title. Low quality comments ("shitposting") will not be accepted. Humorous comments are of course allowed, as long as the question is answered. Top-level comments must answer the question that has been asked. Keep comments relevant and of decent quality. Racism, discrimination or other bigotry (offensive content, hate speech, genocide denial, dehumanisation.) and endorsement of violence will not be tolerated. No attacks on other users, doxxing, harassment, or trolling. Posts from accounts younger than a month old are manually approved to avoid brigading and spam.ĪskEurope on Discord Search AskEurope by flair We're not only here to answer questions, but also to encourage healthy discussions. Please remember our premier rule: be polite and courteous to everybody. If you are having trouble, use our stickied daily thread. Select a flair (flag) by clicking the flair edit button above.

foreign funny words in english

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Foreign funny words in english